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Daily Practices For Healthy Hair

hair brushing and scalp massage for heathy hair


Did you know that your sleep cycle affects your hair's overall health?

Not having the right amount of sleep for your body can lead to lack of energy, increased stress levels, skin concerns and low immunity.

A lack of sleep can lead to stress in the body, pushing the hair follicle into an early resting-state cause the hair to fall out quicker.

Stress in the body can also weaken the immune system, which lessens the nutrient absorption required to produce healthy hair conditions for growth.

Not only does sleep reduce stress in the body by calming the nervous system, but it is also when our bodies repair and regenerate new cells all over the body, including hair, skin and muscles.

A good nights sleep at a regular time is necessary for the protein synthesis of the hair and releases the growth hormones for overall healthy hair. We produce the highest amounts of natural HGH (human growth hormone) while we are sleeping. The hormone melatonin is created to regulate the body's sleep cycle while helping to increase hair growth.


Did you know that water makes almost ¼ of the weight of a hair strand? Drinking water supports vitamin consumption and assists in healthy hair growth, reducing hair problems like dandruff and Dermatitis Seborrhea.

Water increases the skin's elasticity by replenishing the skin tissue, and maintains skin moisture levels, delaying the appearance of ageing signs like wrinkles and fine lines. Drinking enough water can also help with skin disorders like psoriasis and eczema.

It's best to start the day with a glass of warm water and lemon to improve the digestive system by flushing out toxins from the body.

You can also nourish your hair and skin by eating fruits and vegetables high in water.

96% water Cucumber

96% water Lettuce

95% water Celery

95% water Zucchini

95% water Radish

94% water Tomato

93% water Cabbage

92% water Spinach

92% water Strawberries

92% water Cauliflower

90% water Rockmelon

90% water Watermelon


Scalp-brushing is brushing your hair with a good quality hairbrush, helping spread the hairs natural conditioner called sebum evenly throughout the hair. This process should be an essential part of your daily hair routine for optimal hair health.

A natural soft bristle brush gently exfoliates the scalp to remove dirt and distribute the natural oil evenly while stimulating blood flow to the hair follicle from the massaging technique.

Best practices are;

  • Always start brushing from the ends to roots to detangle and eliminate hair breakage.

  • Try not to brush your scalp when the hair is wet as it will stretch the hair stand and lead to breakage.

  • Don't apply too much pressure when brushing the scalp as you may cause damage to the skin.

  • Clean brushes regularly to remove excess hair, product build-up and oils with an anti-bacterial soap or solution and let dry in the sunshine before storing away.

SCALP MASSAGE Scalp massage is the scalp's manual stimulation using hands to improve blood flow to the scalp to promote hair growth and increase hair thickness.

Scalp massage can relieve tension from headaches and physical and mental stress of the body. A scalp massage is a great way to regulate sebum production for a healthy scalp and reduce stress levels which can cause hair loss.

Effleurage massage involves using the fingertips or hands to apply pressure to the scalp.

Tips for dry scalp massage

  • After brushing the hair to remove tangles, apply your hands at the hairline close to the ears.

  • Using circular motions move your fingertips up to the top of your head and back down.

  • Continue the technique back on an angle to the crown area.

  • Continue the method to the nape of the neck.

  • Apply the method for a few minutes until relaxed.

  • Gently brush through hair to remove tangles and distribute oils evenly.

Tips for wet scalp massage

  • Brush hair before wetting to remove any tangle

  • Wash hair with shampoo

  • Apply conditioner to mid-lengths and ends of hair.

  • Gently comb through the conditioner with a wide-tooth comb for even distortion of product.

  • Apply your hands at the hairline close to the ears

  • Using circular motions move your fingertips up to the top of your head and back down.

  • Continue the technique back on an angle to the crown area.

  • Continue the method to the nape of the neck.

  • Apply the method for a few minutes until relaxed.

  • Wash out the conditioner from the hair.

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